Choose the membership that’s right for you.
The KPBA offers three membership levels which allow interested parties to get involved based upon their ability and/or interest.
The three membership tiers are described below and have been structured to relate benefits to their costs.
If you would like to join the Key Peninsula Business Association, please submit the order through one of the links below. The dues cover membership for one calendar year, from January to December.
If you do not wish to submit membership through the website, visitors may also print and complete our hard copy Membership Form.
Join the KPBA
After submitting the form, please continue to the Payment options below
Level I
Listing on KPBA.org website
Listing in KPBA annual printed brochure
Access to KPBA members section, meeting minutes, member contact form
Voting and Participation in Meetings and After Hour Events
Your Community Events Listed on the KPBA.org Calendar
Opportunity to Co-host an After-Hours Event
Level II
Everything in Level I Plus:
Larger listing w/biography on KPBA.org website
Larger 5-line listing in KPBA annual printed brochure
Opportunity to Present at a Lunch Meeting
Two Tickets to the KPBA Annual Dinner
Voting and KPBA Committee Privileges
Level III
Everything in Level II Plus:
Prominent listing on front page of KPBA.org website
Larger 9-line listing in KPBA annual printed brochure
Four Tickets to the KPBA Annual Dinner
Why Join the KPBA
Work with us while we focus on promoting business and improving life around the Key Peninsula.
Get Involved
Be proactive by joining the KPBA, attending meetings, and volunteering support during events and initiatives.
Help Others
Stay informed about locals issues and discover opportunities to contribute to local residents needs.
Promote local Business
Discover alternatives to national chains by supporting your neighborhood businesses.